Officer under fire for alleged social media posts

T. Leigh Hearn-Rushton of The Rushton Law Firm represents Officer Lockard who was referenced recently in the media regarding an alleged social media post. See the link below. Officer Lockard is an exemplary employee with a stellar record in law enforcement with both Lebanon and Metro Nashville Police Departments.Facebook_Headquarters_Entrance_Sign_Menlo_Park

Disappointingly, these accusations are also made at a time when it has never been more difficult to serve as a police officer. Our men and women in blue are under a microscope, and sometimes fire, both within and without. It is disappointing that accusations have arisen and Officer Lockard is being tried inaccurately via the media. The “alleged facts” as reported to news stations are not accurate.

We believe the facts will show Officer Lockard did not violate city or departmental policy and we will vigorously defend his reputation.

We look forward to a speedy resolution to this situation so that Officer Lockard may continue to serve the citizens of Lebanon, Tennessee.

Link to Tennessean article:

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